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Bus Tracker Example Picture

The Real-Time-Bus-Tracking program is a project that uses the MTBA API, and Mapbox which actively tracks the busses on routes 1 and 7 in Massachusetts, United States. This project is the follow-up to the Active-Bus-Tracker-activity.

Eyes project example Picture

The Eye-Exercise is a project with two eyes that follows your mouse movement. Created in JavaScript and CSS, this webpage is a dynamic experience.

PacMen Example Picture

The PacMen-Exercise creates Pacmen on the screen done through a function coded in JavaScript. The Pacmen can be set in motion by clicking the start button. The velocities of the Pacmen is set by Math.Random()

Ball Movement Activity
Ball Move example Picture

The Ball Movement Activity was one of my first projects for MIT's full-stack developer program. This activity was built as a learning tool in one-dimensional movement.

Active Bus Tracker Picture

The Active-Bus-Tracker exercise was created for MITxPro full stack web developer program. This exercise demonstrates asynchronous programming that animates the bus route traveling between MIT and Harvard in Massachusetts.

New Projects
MERN icon Photo

New projects are under construction. JavaScript, CSS, Node, and Express projects coming soon.

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